The Institute for Humane Studies is proud to name Professors Michael C. Munger of Duke University and Siri Terjesen of Florida Atlantic University Distinguished Fellows as part of its Fellowship for the Study of Liberalism and a Free Society. Both scholars are receiving this fellowship in recognition of their scholarship surrounding equality and prosperity and business and the good society respectively. As new 2023 fellows, Munger and Terjesen join the ranks of past Distinguished Fellows, including Nobel Prize winner Vernon Smith and Brookings Institute fellow, Jonathan Rauch.
The IHS Fellowship explores the ongoing relevance of classical liberal principles within the academy and beyond. IHS Distinguished Fellows share an exemplary record of advancing these principles through their research and public engagement.
Michael C. Munger – Duke University

Munger has been involved with the Institute for Humane Studies for over 30 years, and regularly serves as a speaker at its Summer Seminars series for graduate students. Most recently, he hosted a career development seminar for faculty where he addressed managing leadership and committee work. His recent research involving anti-trust laws examines the emergence of online platforms and contends that their key role is to create reductions in transaction costs and highlights the importance of three ‘Ts’ – triangulation, transfer, and trust – in bringing down those costs.
Michael C. Munger is the Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program at Duke University, where he has taught since 1997. He has academic appointments in the Departments of Political Science, Economics, and Public Policy. His first position was at the Federal Trade Commission in 1984, before moving to academic positions at Dartmouth College, the University of Texas, Austin, and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Munger’s research interests connect the politics of regulation, the economics of platforms, and the ethical problems of voluntariness in exchange. His most recent books are The Sharing Economy (IEA, 2021) and Is Capitalism Sustainable? (AIER, 2019). His next book addresses the connections between the “giantism” of the platform economy and the problems of antitrust enforcement.
Siri Terjesen – Florida Atlantic University

Terjesen has been involved with the Institute for Humane Studies for over seven years, and recently co-created and served on the panel at an IHS Academic Research Symposium on corporate governance, where she addressed the impact of regulation on board makeup and performance.
Siri Terjesen serves as Associate Dean of Research and External Relations, as well as the Founding Executive Director for the Madden Center for Value Creation at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business. Additionally, she is the Phil Smith Professor at FAU, and Professor of Strategy and Management at the Norwegian School of Economics. Terjensen was appointed by the U.S. President to serve as one of 15 voting directors to the National Board for Education Sciences (NBES) which advises the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences. She also serves as a reviewer for the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 project and the Swedish and Norwegian governments’ higher education agencies, and also as an advisor to the World Bank, Kauffman Foundation, and a variety of think tanks and philanthropic foundations.
IHS is a non-profit organization that supports the achievement of a freer and more humane society by connecting and supporting graduate students, scholars, and intellectuals who are driving progress in critical conversations shaping the 21st century. For additional information and details on our program and funding opportunities, visit