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Crucial Conversation: Bridging the Partisan Divide

Featuring: Matthew Levendusky

October 16, 2024

12:00 PM ET


The rise of affective polarization—where Americans not only disagree with but also deeply distrust and dislike those from the opposing political party—has created toxic consequences for both politics and social relationships. Is there a solution? In an era where political polarization has become increasingly entrenched, the question of how to bridge the partisan divide is more critical than ever.

Join the Institute for Humane Studies and Professor Matthew Levendusky for an insightful discussion on polarization and the ways we can find common ground. This online donor event will delve into the research and ideas from Levendusky’s latest book, Our Common Bonds: Using What Americans Share to Help Bridge the Partisan Divide, which explores how we can reduce partisan animosity by focusing on shared identities, cross-party friendships, and civil dialogue.

The conversation will be followed by Q&A.


Matthew Levendusky is a professor of political science and holds the Stephen and Mary Baran Chair in the Institutions of Democracy at the Annenberg Public Policy Center. Levendusky’s research focuses on the dynamics of American politics, polarization, and the influence of partisan media on voters. His recent work, Our Common Bonds, offers evidence-based strategies to reduce partisan animosity and foster civil discourse. 


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