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Universities and Polarization
Zoom · Event date: October 10, 2024 · Event time:12:00 PM ET
The Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) is convening a small group of scholars and other stakeholders online to explore opportunities to study how universities might be connected to rising polarization and declining trust.
This “unconference” session led by David Primo aims to identify potential research projects and collaborators.
The session takes place from 12:00 to 1:30 PM ET on Thursday, October 10 and will be hosted via Zoom.
Discussion Leader:
David Primo, University of Rochester
The Future of Social Media Governance
Zoom · Event date: October 17, 2024 · Event time:4:30–6:00 PM ET
The Institute for Humane Studies will convene faculty, graduate students, and practitioners to explore the current state and future of social media governance. With new social media platforms and platform governance models emerging, how can scholars and practitioners work together to shape the future of social media governance in ways that align with liberal values, such as freedom of speech, civil discourse, and democracy? The session opens with a presentation by Eric Gilbert, which will be followed by breakout discussions where participants can ask questions and connect with each other. This event will take place on October 17, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM ET, and will be hosted via Zoom.
- Eric Gilbert, University of Michigan
Populism and Threats to Democracy
Zoom · Event date: October 31, 2024 · Event time:12:00–1:30 PM ET
The Institute for Humane Studies invites faculty, graduate students, and practitioners to join an online discussion of populism and threats to democracy.
Many associate the rise of populism on the left and the right with authoritarianism and threats to democracy. But what do we know about the conceptual and empirical links between populism and threats to democracy, and what questions still need to be answered? How can academics and practitioners collaborate with each other to inform responses to populism in the realms of policy and civil society?
Presentations by Dr. John Carey and [Name] will be followed by breakout discussions where participants can ask questions and network with each other. The session takes place over Zoom from 12:00 to 1:30 PM ET on Thursday, October 31, 2024.
Please come prepared to discuss your current research and share ideas for future academic research, public-facing work, or applied contributions on populism and threats to democracy.
If you have research interests in this area, we encourage you to apply for this opportunity
- Dr. John Carey, Dartmouth College
*All times are listed in Eastern Time
Thursday, October 31, 2024
11:55 AM | Room Opens
12:00 PM | Opening Remarks
12:05 PM | Presentations
12:30 PM | Discussion
Join our research community and collaborate on research with academics and explore current topics through moderated panel discussions and breakout sessions.
Barriers to Innovation and Autonomy in Health Care
Minneapolis, Minnesota · Event date: October 26, 2024 · Event time:1:15-6:00 PM ET
IHS is pleased to announce an academic research symposium, “Barriers to Innovation and Autonomy in Health Care,” in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 26. This program will precede the 2024 American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting and expo.
The program will feature a panel including Alicia Plemmons, Lauren K. Hall, and Jessica Flanigan, a discussion session, and a keynote address by Kristin Trujillo on restoring trust in science. Over the course of the day, we will discuss various applied topics in health care, including patient and provider autonomy, workforce challenges, regulatory limitations, and the implications for preventative care, wellness, and patient outcomes. Attendees will walk away with potential solutions to issues in their own medical practices/centers/hospitals, information about what barriers lie in the way of innovations (and why), new connections that can help them implement cutting-edge research in their work, and a community of like-minded individuals they can tap to help drive real change.
- Alicia Plemmons, West Virginia University
- Lauren K. Hall, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Jessica Flanigan, University of Richmond
- Kristin Trujillo, University of South Carolina
Free Trade: Academic and Policy Perspectives
Washington, DC · Event date: November 22, 2024 · Event time:12:00–6:00 PM
How is the conversation around free trade different in academic and policy spaces?
The Institute for Humane Studies and Stand Together Trust are convening this symposium to explore differences in how free trade and trade policy are discussed within academic circles and policy-making arenas in Washington, DC, and to examine how academics and policy experts can utilize each other’s expertise to advance the conversation on trade.
The program precedes the Southern Economics Association (SEA) annual meeting in Washington, DC.
IHS will offer a stipend to offset one night of hotel accommodations for non-local attendees.
We encourage you to apply for this opportunity if you have research interests in this area.
*All times are listed in Eastern Time
Friday, November 22
11:30 AM–12:00 PM | Registration and Coffee
12:00–12:15 PM | Welcome and Opening Remarks
12:15–1:15 PM | Lunch with Keynote
1:15–1:30 PM | Coffee Break
1:30–2:45 PM | Panel with Q&A
2:45–3:00 PM | Coffee Break
3:00–4:00 PM | Breakout Discussion Groups
4:00–4:15 PM | Closing Remarks
4:15–6:00 PM | Cocktail Hour
IHS attends multiple academic conferences a year across a variety of disciplines. Catch up with IHS staff, learn about our support, and discuss ideas at an IHS-sponsored conference event.
American Economic Association (AEA)
Academy of Management (AOM)
American Philosophical Association-East (APA)
American Political Science Association (APSA)
American Sociological Association (ASA)
Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE)
Association of American Law Schools (AALS)
International Studies Association (ISA)
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society (PPE)
Public Choice Society (PCS)
Southern Economic Association (SEA)
Southern Political Science Association (SPSA)
Western Economic Association (WEA)
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